Try these quick and easy Weet-Bix™ snack recipes, you'll have fun making them and they're delicious.
Weet-Bix energy bars
Peach and honey smoothie
Chocolate fruit squares
Berry muffins
Weet-Bix slice
Crispy Weet-Bix veggie balls
Weet-Bix sultana pikelets
Tropical Overnight Weet-Bix
Cheesy Bix-cuits
Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies
Purple power smoothie
Tropical yoghurt fruit whip
Cookie dough bites
Mini cottage rolls
Stuffed courgette boats
No-bake Weet-Bix Bites
Gluten free bite sized pizzas
Weet-Bix™, peanut and chocolate power bars
Lemon passionfruit Weet-Bix™ slice
Chocolate, Peanut Butter & Oat Biscuit Sandwich