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‘Hot Cross Bun’ Overnight Weet-Bix

供應: 1
準備: 5 + refrigeration
廚師: 1

    Creamy overnight Weet-Bix inspired by a favourite spiced Easter treat.


    • 2 Weet-Bix™, roughly crushed

    • 1/3 cup So Good™ Almond Milk 

    • 2 tbs sultanas, divided

    • 150g low fat Greekyogurt

    • 1/2tspcinnamon

    • 1/2tsp maple syrup 

    • 2 tsp almond butter


    1. 步 1

      In a small container or bowl, combine Weet-Bix, almond milk, and half the sultanas to form the base.
    2. 步 2

      Stir cinnamon and maple syrup through yogurt and spread over the base.
    3. 步 3

      Sprinkle remaining sultanas over the yoghurt, and drizzle with almond butter.
    4. 步 4

      Place in the fridge for 2 - 3 hrs, or overnight.


    Almond butter can be replaced with peanut butter, chopped nuts, or sunflower seeds.


