
Weight loss: plant based diets are best

There are many different factors that impact our health and have led to the global health issues we see today. Health is usually not gained by changing one thing – it comes from a lot of small but significant changes made consistently over time. However, with these three tips you will be well on your way to a healthier 2024, and beyond. 

Eat more plants

Decades of research consistently shows that eating mainly plant foods can help you live longer and reduce your risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even some cancers. And research keeps telling us that one of the simplest and most powerful changes we can make is to start adopting a plant-based diet. An article published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, followed the lives of people with type 2 diabetes on either a conventional or a vegan diet for 6 months. Those who followed the vegan diet lost, on average, 1.1kg more than those on the conventional diet. But more importantly, had greater reductions in cholesterol and improvements in blood glucose control. 

Get active

  • Walk to the shops instead of driving
  • Stand up at your desk when taking phone calls to reduce sitting
  • Park at the far end of the carpark for a longer walk to the shops

Sleep on it

Research shows that the right amount of good quality sleep is important to support a healthy body and mind. The sweet spot seems to be between 7.5 and 8 hours of sleep a night. It’s also worth noting that the negative effect is much more pronounced for those who chronically undersleep than those who oversleep, so it’s especially important to prioritise getting at least 7 hours rest a night. For more information on nutrition and lifestyle advice for people living with type 2 diabetes and other health conditions, check out our latest downloadable nutrition fact sheets. To get started on making your diet more plant based today, check out Sanitarium’s great range of plant-based recipes.

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