Weet-Bix Cholesterol Lowering

Weet-Bix™ Cholesterol Lowering takes Australia’s No. 1 breakfast cereal and adds the functional benefit of cholesterol-lowering plant sterols. Weet-Bix™ Cholesterol Lowering is the only cereal product on the market to contain 2g of plant sterols in 1 serve, making it the ideal choice for those wanting to reduce their cholesterol.

It’s effective, it’s easy, it’s enjoyable and plant sterols are endorsed by the Heart Foundation.

Still with the goodness and energy of wholegrain wheat, and a great malty taste, it’s a natural source of fibre and is low in saturated fat and sugar. Weet-Bix™ Cholesterol Lowering is also a good source of iron, essential B vitamins including thiamin and folate. Weet-Bix™ Cholesterol Lowering can be found in the cereal aisle next to regular Weet-Bix™. Check out these delicious, cholesterol lowering recipes.

Further Information

Further information on cholesterol, plant sterols, and the role that Weet-Bix™ Cholesterol Lowering can play in managing elevated cholesterol levels is available on our page for health care professionals.

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  • 2 Weet-Bix™ provides 2g plant sterols, clinically proven to actively lower LDL cholesterol by up to 9% within 4 weeks
  • Effective Plant Sterols. Plant sterols are found naturally in very small amounts in a variety of plant foods. They actively lower LDL (or 'bad') cholesterol by partially blocking the absorption of LDL cholesterol in the digestive system. 2g of plant sterols consumed on a daily basis is proven in over 40 clinical trials to lower cholesterol.
  • How many do you do? Just two! It’s easy. Eating 2 Weet-Bix™ Cholesterol Lowering each day, gives you the required 2g of plant sterols in one serve. Simple.
  • Same great taste you enjoy. Weet-Bix™ Cholesterol Lowering is the same great taste you know and enjoy.
  • Heart Foundation. Together with a healthy balanced diet, the Heart Foundation recommends the daily intake of 2-3g of plant sterols to lower cholesterol. For further information on healthy eating and cholesterol, contact the Heart Foundation Helpline on 13 11 12 for free information and support from qualified health professionals.
  • Low sugar
  • Low in saturated fat
  • High in thiamin, essential for normal heart function as part of a healthy diet
  • One bowl of Weet-Bix™ Cholesterol Lowering provides 60% of your daily wholegrain needs*
*One 36g serve of Weet-Bix™ Cholesterol Lowering contributes 66% of the 48g whole grain Daily Target Intake
† Individual results may vary due to diet, genetic or other reasons. For further advice please consult your medical practitioner.
† 2g of plant sterols daily lowers cholesterol within 4 weeks as part of a healthy diet low in saturated fat.

Health Star Rating


The Health Star Rating is a government led initiative, rating foods from a ½ star to 5 stars based on their nutritional value. When making food choices, consider those with higher star ratings. For more information go to www.sanitarium.com.au/health-star-rating.