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Banana peach smoothie

Serves: 2
Prep: 5
Cook: 0

    Everyone loves the classic banana smoothie right? Well this recipe takes the classic to the next level. This smoothie is a summer delight and the addition of peaches gives this smoothie a delightful twist. Made using So Good Almond Coconut Milk original, this smoothie bowl is super refreshing on a summer afternoon or on the way to work. The blend of the banana and peach is absolutely to die for and to add the cherry on top - this recipe is gluten and diary free!


    • 1/2 cup frozen or tinned peaches, sliced
    • 1 banana
    • 1 cup So Good Almond Coconut Milk Original
    • 1 tbs honey


    1. Step 1

      Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until a smooth consistency.
    2. Step 2

      Serve with an extra drizzle of honey (or maple syrup).


    • Use maple syrup instead of honey for a delicious vegan alternative
    • Freeze your chopped fruit beforehand, or add extra ice to make your smoothie extra refreshing.

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