Accredited Practising Dietitian Trish Guy Answers Your Most Common Nutrition Questions
Typing a diet or nutrition question into Dr Google can be a minefield. It’s a common trap that can leave you navigating many different answers.
Sanitarium Accredited Practising Dietitian Trish Guy is asked nutrition questions on a daily basis, whether by colleagues at Sanitarium Health Food Company, at a café or at her kids’ sport games.
We’ve asked Trish to provide her expert advice to answer the 10 most common nutrition questions she always gets asked.
1. Trish, Should I Go Gluten Free?
People diagnosed with Coeliac Disease must follow a strict gluten free diet for life. A gluten free diet may also be recommended for people with non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS).
However, if you don’t have a specific condition that requires you to be gluten free, there is no evidence that following a gluten free diet is better for your health, and avoiding gluten could mean you’ll miss out on the nutritional benefits of wholegrains, unless gluten free wholegrains are also eaten.
Wholegrains contain a distinct combination of cereal fibres and potent antioxidants that are important for gut health and are great at providing energy. Many of these fibres and antioxidants are unique to grains, or found in much higher amounts than in any other plant-based foods.
If you think you may need to go gluten free, my advice as a dietitian is to make sure to speak to your GP or dietitian first.
2. Do I Need to Eat Breakfast?
A healthy breakfast is one of the best ways to set yourself up for the day.
Studies show refuelling your body with a healthy breakfast can help you to get the vitamin and minerals you need, help control blood sugar levels, help manage your weight and for kids, it has been shown to help with concentration too.
Whether it’s a bowl of wholegrain cereal like Weet-Bix, a smoothie, or hearty fritters, opt for foods that provide lasting energy and prevent mid-morning hunger pangs.
3. How Many Fruits and Vegetables Should I Eat Each Day?
The general guideline I give as a Dietitian is to aim for two servings of fruit and five servings of veggies each day, however, this can vary depending on your age and health needs. For instance, men aged 19-50 years are recommended to have six servings of veggies each day.
Only 6.5% of adults are eating enough vegetables a day.
I’m also asked how can you get enough fruit and veg? My tip is to start early in the day by making breakfast count. Add fruit to your Weet-Bix, spread avocado on your toast, or add last night’s roast veggies to your omelette.
Snacks are perfect for getting extra goodness too. I recommend you try crunching on carrot and cucumber sticks with hummus, grabbing an apple to-go, or including a handful of spinach in your smoothie.
4. What Are the Highest Sources of Vegetarian Protein?
Getting enough protein from vegetarian sources is easier than many people think. Some of the highest vegetarian sources of protein, which are easy to find at the supermarket and easy to add to meals, include soy products like tofu, soy milk and tempeh, peanuts and peanut butter, sunflower seeds and legumes like lentils, chickpeas and kidney beans. For lacto-ovo vegetarians, dairy products such as yoghurt and cheese, as well as eggs provide good sources of protein.
A 170g serve of tofu has 22g of protein, a cup of soybeans has 14g of protein and a cup of chickpeas has 10g of protein. Also think about plant-based milks, such as So Good High Protein products that are fortified with protein.
Here’s a list of common high protein foods.
5. Should I Avoid Sugar Completely?
You don’t need to completely cut sugar out of your diet, but moderation is important. The World Health Organization recommends limiting your sugar to about 50 grams a day (12.5 teaspoons), or roughly 10% of your total energy intake.
Learn more about simple ways to cut back on your sugar intake.
6. Are Plant Milks Actually Good for You?
Absolutely, especially when they’re part of a healthy balanced diet. Many plant milks are low in saturated fat, cholesterol-free, packed with vitamins and calcium. Some are even lower in kilojoules than similar dairy milks.
When shopping for plant milks I recommend you always choose an option that is fortified in calcium to help keep your bones healthy. You should be aiming for at least 100mg of calcium per 100mL. This is the amount in all So Good plant-based milks. As well as calcium, the So Good range is enriched with vitamin B12 and vitamin D.
Here’s also a handy guide about what to look for on pack when purchasing your favourite plant-based milk.
7. How Much Water Should I Drink Each Day?
The old saying of “eight glasses a day” is a good starting point, but it is also important to remember that hydration changes based on age, weather, how much you exercise and your overall health.
Staying well hydrated will help to keep you alert, stay regular, reduce headaches, naturally detoxifies, supports healthy blood pressure and smooth joints. It can even help to reduce wrinkles!
The easiest way to know if you’re well hydrated is to check the colour of your urine. If it’s yellow and smelly then you probably need to drink more water. But if it’s a lighter yellow or almost clear, it’s a sign you’re drinking enough.
8. Is Organic Food Healthier Than Non-Organic?
While organic produce may have slightly higher levels of antioxidants, as a Dietitian I believe that it is more important to focus on getting enough vegetables in your diet first, before worrying if they are organic or not.
Whichever way you choose, just be sure to wash your produce well before eating for food safety.
9. What Are Probiotics and Prebiotics?
This is a question I get asked a lot! It can be confusing. Probiotics are foods (or supplements) that contain live bacteria that have a health benefit. When consumed, they make their way down into your gut where there is a whole ecosystem of bacteria working hard to help keep your body healthy. You’ll find them in fermented foods like yoghurt, kefir and sauerkraut.
Prebiotics are fibres your body can’t digest that feed the good bacteria in your gut (including probiotics), helping them thrive. Plant foods are your prebiotic fibre friend! Foods like garlic, onions and bananas are full of prebiotic fibres, along with wholegrains and legumes, nuts and seeds.
Together, probiotics and prebiotics work to help keep your gut health in check by maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria, which can boost your immune system and improve digestion.
10. How Do I Improve My Gut Health?
My advice here is to start by feeding your gut with enough fibre-rich foods like fruits, veggies, legumes and wholegrains. I also recommend you try adding fermented foods such as yoghurt and sauerkraut as they contain probiotics that contribute to a diverse and balanced gut microbiome.
Don’t forget to stay hydrated! This is important as it will help create a healthy environment for beneficial bacteria to thrive and improve gut function.
If you need some help in changing habits, I recommend trying the gut health 30 plants in seven days challenge.
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