1.4 million serves of healthy food to KiwiHarvest

As many Kiwis continue to struggle through the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand at local foodbanks has spiked considerably, with many people experiencing food insecurity and seeking support for the first time.

That’s why Sanitarium’s partnership with KiwiHarvest has never been more important. Since March, we’ve been working together to distribute 1.4 million serves of Weet-Bix, So Good and UP&GO, Sanitarium cereals and spreads to those who need it most.

KiwiHarvest distributes donated and rescued food to over 280 charities entities and food pantry programs throughout the country.

Founder of KiwiHarvest Deborah Manning expressed the organisation’s gratitude to Sanitarium for its ongoing encouragement and support.

“Through the generosity of the Sanitarium team we have distributed over three tonnes of nutritious Sanitarium products to communities in need,” she explained. “This food support will be a lifesaver to many food insecure families and children, making a real difference to their health and wellbeing.”

KiwiHarvest reported a 100% increase in requests for food, requiring their volunteers to adapt its supply chain in response to the food insecurity crisis.

City missions across New Zealand reported between a 160% - 400% increase during March 2020 and demand remains high.