Download the Little People Big Lives Report

Childhood is a special time of life – full of wonder and promise. Australia’s children are healthier than ever before – they are less likely to die, to be injured or to fall sick and more likely to live healthier, longer lives. However, the health gains of the last century are at risk as new health issues for children have emerged over recent years. Without action these challenges have the potential to adversely affect the future health and lives of children as they grow and develop.

The importance of the early years of childhood development is now well understood, with evidence from neuroscience, molecular biology, genomics and the behavioural and social sciences, all suggesting that experiences early in life profoundly influence lifelong health and wellbeing.

The importance of the early years of childhood development is now well understood, with evidence from neuroscience, molecular biology, genomics and the behavioural and social sciences, all suggesting that experiences early in life profoundly influence lifelong health and wellbeing. However, the health gains of the last century are at risk as new health issues for children have emerged over recent years. Without action these challenges have the potential to adversely affect the future health and lives of children as they grow and develop.

89% of Australian Children aged 5-14 years do not eat the recommended daily serves of vegetables and fruit.

The importance of the early years of childhood development is now well understood, with evidence from neuroscience, molecular biology, genomics and the behavioural and social sciences, all suggesting that experiences early in life profoundly influence lifelong health and wellbeing.

Key Actions:

  • Schedule unrushed family meals that are 'electronic free' zones
  • Replace high calorie snack foods with vegetables
  • Replace soft drinks with water
  • Let vegetables make up most of your meals